
2011-11-23 16:29:40

Hi, my name is Nick, and I'd like to start by saying a big HELLO to all past, present and future Omeida students!

I've been teaching English for almost six years now, and I have worked in quite a few different places; Volunteer work in Kenya, middle school and college in Hainan Dao, and I am back in Yangshuo to work at Omeida for a second time. When I'm not travelling and teaching English, I have worked for EF in England, as well as teaching German students with the biggest student organisation in my home town.

I really believe education and skills are the key to any future success. I worked really hard to complete my University BA, and I completed my degree by studying 'English Grammar in Context'. Just knowing English wasn't enough for me, and I knew I also had to learn how to teach. With this in mind I completed a Trinity Cert TESOL which has given me lots of good ideas in ways I can use my English knowledge to improve your English skills.

I try to use different methods to teach, and have different types of lessons and activities each week. I like to use music in some classes, and I even enjoy teaching students to use grammar!

If I could give any student one piece of advice, I think I would say 'speak as often as possible!'. Students at Omeida are really lucky because not only do they have lots of foreign teachers, they also have lots of other students who can speak English! I think speaking English to other students is the most important way to improve speaking. This gives students a chance to practice, experiment, play with English and build up confidence!

Remember : 'Help others, help yourself'

Nick 來(lái)自(zì)英國,已有6年的專業英語教學經驗,曾在不同的地方教學,先後在肯尼亞和(hé)海南的大(dà)學和(hé)中學任教,也(yě)在英國的英孚教育機構教學,他(tā)認真負責,專業執着,課堂授課風(fēng)趣幽默,學生在快(kuài)樂中,不知(zhī)不覺已經把知(zhī)識掌握了(le),他(tā)深受學員的好(hǎo)評,是一位不折不扣的好(hǎo)老(lǎo)師。他(tā)專業功底紮實,擅長英語語法教學,主修英語了(le)英語語法課程,還持有“對(duì)外(wài)英語教學”資格證書。Nick 也(yě)喜歡旅遊,也(yě)很(hěn)喜歡陽朔,這(zhè)是他(tā)第二次在歐美(měi)達任教,他(tā)喜歡這(zhè)裏的氛圍,他(tā)認爲歐美(měi)達的學生很(hěn)幸運,因爲這(zhè)裏不僅有着很(hěn)多很(hěn)雄厚的師資,也(yě)有着很(hěn)多英語愛好(hǎo)者,學習英語的一個很(hěn)好(hǎo)的方法就是找老(lǎo)師或者同學多多練習英語,樹立起英語學習的信心。






周末,Nick 喜歡跟學員們在陽朔四處逛逛,享受着人間仙境。


2011-11-23 16:29:40
