Katrina was born and raised in Melbourne, Australia.She spent from 2001 until 2006 living overseas. Most of this time was spent living in Spain as well as some time in the United Kingdom. During this time she also travelled extensively through South East Asia and South America It was during this time abroad that she discovered her love for foreign languages.
This is Katrina's third time in China. She first came to China briefly nearly fifteen years ago as a tourist. She then returned for three months in 2006/2007 on a scholarship studying at East China Normal University in Shanghai. She now returns to share her passion for foreign languages with Chinese students wishing to learn English.
Katrina first began studying Mandarin Chinese at La Trobe University Melbourne, Australia in 2006. During her four years at university she completed a Bachelor of Arts majoring in linguistics while focusing heavily on Chinese Language and Asian Studies subjects. She also completed a Diploma of Languages in Mandarin.
While in China Katrina looks forward to improving her own Chinese skills as well as the English skills of her students.
Katrina 專業英語教師。來(lái)自(zì)澳大(dà)利亞墨爾本,畢業于澳大(dà)利亞知(zhī)名大(dà)學拉籌伯大(dà)學,獲得語言學學士學位,她(tā)喜歡中文(wén)和(hé)中國文(wén)化,曾在上(shàng)海華東師範大(dà)學學習3個月,獲得了(le)漢語學位證書。她(tā)花(huā)了(le)五年的時(shí)間旅遊亞洲、歐洲和(hé)美(měi)洲,實踐她(tā)所愛的外(wài)國語言。這(zhè)是她(tā)的第三次中國之行,她(tā)希望在歐美(měi)達分享她(tā)的外(wài)語激情,提高(gāo)她(tā)學員的英語水(shuǐ)平。
Katrina 能(néng)歌善舞,酷愛音(yīn)樂的她(tā)經常鼓勵班級學員參加學校的各項活動,激發英語學習的興趣。
Katrina 在跟英語活動獲獎的學員親切交流。
2011-11-23 16:23:09