
2015-11-05 09:47:00


Well, first of all it’s a very warm welcome. Even when they respond by mail they always send you a “have a nice and sunny week” and that’s always how they’re going to end the message and when you arrive it’s just smiles everywhere, and smile and smile and smile.
People come here from many places in China, they come here from many places in the world, and when we arrive here we’re strangers but when we leave we’re just one big family
It’s very very friendly and warm and welcoming
The atmosphere at Omeida Chinese Academy is very open minded and the people are so friendly
There’s always a lot of things going on and everyone’s always very friendly and inviting and you’ll always have people to spend time with and go round and bike ride with or whatever you like
It’s hard to not feel a part of this family because you’re going to spend all your time with them and that’s perfect because you never feel alone
The activities are very interesting and fun, you can go rock climbing, you can go and make a hot pot, you can have dinner together. It’s really a nice atmosphere, I would recommend it, definitely
Everyone there is super helpful and wanting to help you out, it feels like everyone that works there are all friends
The atmosphere is just incredibly welcoming, my first day at Omeida I was walking around on the streets looking for a place to find breakfast, ran into a couple of the staff members who were quick to point me in the right way. I thought it was a little strange at first that the offices are all right next to the student’s lounge but I think it works out for the best, you really develop a close relationship with everybody here and it makes your stay a much better one
It’s really welcoming it’s really homey, it’s like a big family
It’s really fun, really easy going, if you have any questions you can come in. They organise really nice culture classes or dinners together so there’s always something to do if you’re bored, I don’t think you’ll ever be bored here, but, if you want anything to do, always welcome at the Academy


2015-11-05 09:47:00
