2011-09-16 09:19:15
金(jīn)豔Angel,來(lái)自(zì)安徽,中專畢業後在深圳從(cóng)事(shì)外(wài)貿工(gōng)作(zuò)多年,2007年10月加入歐美(měi)達,報(bào)讀25周,從(cóng)零基礎班L1A開(kāi)始學習,2008年5月畢業于L6 。
Angel剛入校時(shí),英語表達能(néng)力非常低(dī),隻會(huì)說“good morning”, “Hello, Nice to meet you”, “my name is ……”等簡單句子,然後她(tā)非常的樂觀和(hé)積極,在課堂上(shàng)她(tā)總是積極的發言,課後始終堅持與學員英語交流,在單獨的時(shí)間裏,她(tā)會(huì)認真地複習,并學習新的單詞、句子和(hé)語法。她(tā)非常喜歡學校的活動,每周四的Social Night總能(néng)見到(dào)她(tā)活躍的身影和(hé)自(zì)信的英語交流,她(tā)也(yě)參加學校的英語表演,敢于表現(xiàn),樂于交流;周末的時(shí)候會(huì)與外(wài)教和(hé)學生一起去釣魚、爬山。短短三個月,她(tā)升到(dào)了(le)三級班。
Angel剛入校時(shí),英語表達能(néng)力非常低(dī),隻會(huì)說“good morning”, “Hello, Nice to meet you”, “my name is ……”等簡單句子,然後她(tā)非常的樂觀和(hé)積極,在課堂上(shàng)她(tā)總是積極的發言,課後始終堅持與學員英語交流,在單獨的時(shí)間裏,她(tā)會(huì)認真地複習,并學習新的單詞、句子和(hé)語法。她(tā)非常喜歡學校的活動,每周四的Social Night總能(néng)見到(dào)她(tā)活躍的身影和(hé)自(zì)信的英語交流,她(tā)也(yě)參加學校的英語表演,敢于表現(xiàn),樂于交流;周末的時(shí)候會(huì)與外(wài)教和(hé)學生一起去釣魚、爬山。短短三個月,她(tā)升到(dào)了(le)三級班。
Q: Is this your first time in Yangshuo? Why do you choose to study in Yangshuo? 是你(nǐ)第一次來(lái)陽朔嗎?你(nǐ)爲什(shén)麽來(lái)陽朔學英語呢(ne)?
答(dá):Yes, it is my first time in Yangshuo, because Yangshuo has beautiful scenery and the tuition here is cheaper than Shenzhen. I can not only enjoy the beautiful sights, but also I can learn English. Why not come here?
Q: What’s your impression of Yangshuo? 說說你(nǐ)對(duì)陽朔的印象?
答(dá):It’s good for traveling; also, you can relax yourself away from busy work.
Q: What activities have you participated in Omeida? 在學校你(nǐ)參加了(le)什(shén)麽活動呢(ne)?
答(dá):I have participated in almost all the activities, such as English corner, Cocktail party, Christmas party.
Q: Why did you choose Omeida Intensive English Language Course? 爲什(shén)麽選擇來(lái)歐美(měi)達學習?
答(dá):Because it is well-know school in Yangshuo and it win admiration from local people. I think it is reliable
Q: How long have you been studying at Omeida so far? 你(nǐ)在歐美(měi)達學習了(le)多久了(le)?
答(dá):I have been studying here for more than 3 months
Q: Have Yangshuo & Omeida been what you expected? 陽朔、歐美(měi)達達到(dào)了(le)你(nǐ)來(lái)時(shí)設想的期望嗎?
答(dá):Hum, It's ok.
Q: What do you find most helpful about studying at Omeida in Yangshuo?
答(dá):Omeida creates good condition to learn English by providing small classrooms, so we have chance to communicate to others face to face. Every student can talk to teachers. Therefore, I can make bigger progress in English.
Q: Tell us a few memorable experiences at Omeida.說說你(nǐ)在歐美(měi)達一些(xiē)值得回憶的經曆
答(dá):I think everyday is valuable; I enjoy every minute with my teachers and classmates. Whatever, hang out or have less*****.
Q: What changes happened to you after studying here? 你(nǐ)來(lái)歐美(měi)達學習後發生了(le)哪些(xiē)變化?
答(dá):I remember clearly that before I study in Omeida, I can only speak “good morning”, “Hello, Nice to meet you”, “my name is ……”. The first day in Omeida, I have to have a test, and that make me very nervous and worried. After the test, I was arranged in level 1A. So you can see how poor my English is. 14 weeks past, with my effort and teacher’s help, I move up to level 3A now, I am very happy, I will continue to work hard.
Q: What do you still need to improve or strengthen about your English? 在英語學習方面,你(nǐ)哪些(xiē)地方還有待加強?
答(dá):My listening and vocabulary need to be improved.
Q: What is the thing you like best about Yangshuo? 在陽朔,你(nǐ)最喜歡什(shén)麽?
答(dá):I like to appreciate clothes of special nice style which is displayed to customer in West Street. The temptation is very strong. Sometimes, I enjoy talking with foreign teacher in Chinese, their pronunciation is very funny and interesting.
Q: Will you come to Yangshuo again? 以後還會(huì)來(lái)陽朔嗎?
答(dá):I am not sure; if I have time I will come here. When business comes, I will be very busy.
Q: What do you like best about Omeida? 你(nǐ)在歐美(měi)達最喜歡什(shén)麽?
答(dá):I like good course taught by good teacher best. Because it improves my efficiency in English studying. I feel satisfied. Efficiency is very important.
Q: What do you think Omeida should improve? 歐美(měi)達那些(xiē)地方值得改進?
答(dá):Some foreign teachers should create an active atmosphere during the class.
Q: What advices/tips would you give to others who plan to come and study in Yangshuo? 請(qǐng)你(nǐ)給準備來(lái)陽朔學習的人員提一點建議(yì)
答(dá):If you want to improve your oral English, Omeida is good choice. It often held interesting activities; you can improve your oral English from the entertainment.
2011-09-16 09:19:15